Thursday, February 1, 2007

Question #8: How do I relate to faith?

FAITH. How do I relate to faith? That is a difficult question to answer. I am still learning about God and being faithful. Faith is something that I have to believe with my whole heart even though I do not see the evidence. Unlike science or math, faith is not what I can prove. I just have to believe in God and rely on Him.

I did not know much about being a Christian until last year. I mean, I knew what it is to be a Christian in my head, but not in my heart. Then about a year ago, I suddenly started questioning my life. ‘Why am I here right now? Why do I need to study hard? What should I do in my future???’ The questions were countless and more questions I asked, I was more confused and lost. After several months of wondering, on one summer day, I realized that it is God who keeps me alive. When I finally noticed it, God was already in my heart.

Faith in God made me a stronger person. Now I know that I have God’s support and love, I am more confident and optimistic. He has given me a new, brighter hope in my life. He has also given me new perspectives of people and the world. My faith in God sustains my life and gives me happiness everyday. He is my Savior, Supporter and Companion. Whatever I will do in my life, I know it will be done in God’s presence.

However, having faith in God does not make my life easier. My life is the same: same family, same friends, same school, etc. It is my perspective of life that is changed. Everything stays the same, but I am changed.

Question #7: Choose a representative passage from this novel that holds particular significance to you. Type it in and comment on its significance.

“And everyone who laid his hand on the given son was bound not to work violence against those who gave him, nor to employ the waness bind for their destruction. The little bell clanged again, and this time it caught my attention. I perceived its message and gasped! This was the key we had been praying for!” (175).

When he said this quote, Don Richardson finally found a way to deliver the story of Jesus to the Sawi people. He knew that Jesus Christ is the ultimate peace child for everyone (even for the Sawi!) and after observing the exchange of peace child, he realized that he should introduce Jesus as the ultimate peace child for the Sawi.

This quote is significant because Jesus is peace child to me, too. Before I accepted Jesus as my peace child, I used to have a lot of complaint and troubles in my daily life. I took everything I receive as granted and was never satisfied. But Jesus gave me ultimate peace in my heart. Because I now have Jesus in me, I am more modest and receive things more graciously. I know that I am blessed so much and am thankful everyday.

Also, after reading the passage, I realized how great my God is. In every nation or culture, God has planned everything beforehand and created the people. There is always something in every culture in which we can find God’s message. For example, Don Richardson at first doubted if there is any way that he would inspire the Sawi people to seek and to accept God. It seemed as if there is no way that the Sawi people would be transformed into Christians. However, there was the way! There were the concepts of peace child. Soon, Don Richardson was able to connect the Sawi’s peace child with the ultimate peace child, Jesus Christ. God has plans for everyone.