Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Question #5: What does God expect us to do for other cultures and faiths?

Nowadays, Christians are all over the world. They are in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa: everywhere. They are different in ethnicity and cultures. However, the one thing, and the most important thing, in common is that they believe in God. No matter how old they are, where they live and what they do for living, they are Christians. Christianity is for all people and God wants Christians to spread His words, so more people would have intimate relationship with Him and find happiness and peace in Him.

This is it! The Lord tells us (Christians) that we should help people in vain, who might have different cultures from us. Their cultures and previous faiths cannot block us from spreading the gospel. He expects us to be His messengers, so when we encounter other cultures and faiths, we would deliver His words.

Romans 3:29 Is God the God of Jews only? Is He not the God of the Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles, too. - NIV

In Romans 3:29, it says that God is God of everybody. Gentiles in the verse refer to people who are not Jewish. Therefore, God of the Bible is the God over the whole world.

Galatians 3:28-29 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. - NIV

This verse means that people of difference races, social positions and gender are all equal in God. To God, every person is important even though the person may have different culture from others. Thus, everybody can have the same hope of being heirs of the promises given in the Bible.

Since every person is valuable in God’s eyes, we, as His messengers, have obligations to embrace other cultures and faiths and to guide the people to seek God. God expects us to love people of other cultures and faiths as our own brothers and sisters and to be good examples of believers. We, Christians, should invite others to the journey with God and improve this world with them.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

I love your point of view. You are absolutely right, in Christ there is no culture because Christ enables us to see the similarities in our humanity and not the differences. Mrs.Mc.