Thursday, January 25, 2007

Question #2: What should we do when we are confronted with other cultures?

I believe that the first thing we need to do when we are confronted with other cultures is to RESPECT. We should not think that our culture is superior to other cultures. Every culture is important and valuable. Even though other cultures may have different beliefs and traditions, we must show respect.

In Peace Child, Don Richardson has shown a good example of respecting other cultures. When he first started living among the Sawi people, he was surprised by several legends and customs of the Sawi. For example, a baby from one tribe is given to another tribe as a promise of peace. This child is called “peace child.” When Don Richardson first encountered this custom, he was very surprised but he did not run away from the Sawi people. Nor did he chide the people. Yes, he disliked the custom. But instead of criticizing it, he used it as a tool of delivering God’s words. He introduced Jesus as the Peace Child from God and touched countless hearts of the Sawi people.

Respecting other cultures is very important for me because I like traveling around the world and meeting different people. I am going to Thailand for Habitat for Humanity during the Lunar break, and my team leader already commented the students in the team that we must be respectful of the people we meet and the places we go. Food, dress code and body language may be different from what we are used to, but we should respect them in the name of God. It is important that we acknowledge differences among cultures, understand them and learn about them with positive attitudes.


Deep said...

Yeah...Respect is an important part of accepting another culture. Probably in today's world this respect is fading out, as we tend to think that we are comparatively more superior. I guess that if this notion of ours is obliterated, it would actually make the world more united in its opinion. I liked the personal connections you made with the question, as well as its application to life. All in all, it brings to light a very essential component of adjustment to an alien culture..something that I myself need to work upon !

Kira said...

Respect. Is something you give to some civilized tribes. Sometimes it doesn't work. If we all respect each other that doesn;t mean it will not bring conflict in this world. Respect to Sawi may not be the best thing. It is the balance of power that's important. When a missionary goes into such tribes they dont go unarmed. The tribe memebers are afraid in some sense of the white people and want to take advantage of the technology that you have.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it's important to respect other cultures, and everyone says so, so it's nothing surprising or new. However, have you ever considered what outsiders-in other words, non-Christians- might think of Christianity? To be more specific, I'm talking about how Christians seek to convert other cultures. Isn't it one of the main doctrines or something? I'm not very familiar with it, being an outsider myself, so I'm not quite sure about it. In any case, going to another culture with the intent to convert them might seem arrogant, because it automatically assumes that Christianity is superior to other religions and everyone should follow it. Of course, most Christians would never think that way, but maybe other people may think that way, and I was wondering what your take on this was.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Sunjin, I can see this from your point of view. Christians believe that God created man - ALL MEN REGARDLESS OF CULTURE AND RACE. Therefore God transcends culture. Christian faith is universal and therefor above culture and applicable in every society. Christianity sees all men as equal and ideally saves their souls without changing their cultures but does change their sinful natures. Earthly / worldly cultures do not supercede eternity. Christianity is not the only faith that seeks to accept and convert people. I hope this answers your question. Mrs.Mc.